May 26, 2009 was an exhausting day. I'm not sure how to feel about what is happening in the world. President Obama nominated judge Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court, she would be the third woman and the first Latina to ever be appointed. I want to be proud and happy, but I'm tired of having to explain my pride. I'm tired of people that expect me to like, understand, and defend her because she's Latina or because she's a woman. The day she makes a mistake, everyone will question my pride again. I don't wish my pride could go unquestioned, it wont be strong and just then. So there's the dilemma that makes my day so exhausting. I am tired of being questioned at all times, but if it wasn't for this struggle, I wouldn't know half the things I know now. So I have to say, as much as I've tried to avoid it, that I am passionately proud of judge Sonia Sotomayor because she represents a part of my identity that shapes me in unimaginable ways. Her nomination is empowering for a group of people that have been traditionally disempowered and placed at the bottom of our power hierarchies; this we must all be proud of. And with that, I must say that my claim is ready for scrutiny and I am ready to reflect on this issue.
Because that wasn't enough to think about for one day, California decided to uphold Proposition 8 this morning. I was eating lunch at Subway when I heard the news; I also heard disturbing, homophobic comments that pushed my patience to the limit. I wish I could do more to make people aware of this injustice; I wish change could come faster. Prop. 8 reminds me that I have to be patient and not get frustrated; it was difficult to do that today.
Today was important because things are changing. We continue to step forward in some ways and step backward in others; at least we are moving. Now, we just need to agree to move in the same direction. Hard work.
Besides the exciting events on the news, a 4 year old called me his girlfriend in the library. I took a picture of the beautiful Pee Dee River this weekend, it actually looks like a shot from the Amazon River. We went to the State Park, and I fell in the lake by accident. Memorial weekend was not as exhausting as I thought it would be. Yet, everything that I had to think about today left me emotionally and mentally drained.
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